Testicular tumor patients mostly apply to the health institution with enlarged nodules or gonads. It is detected incidentally by the patient or his sexual partner. Typically, the mass is firm and not tender.
It can be easily distinguished from the epididymis. 30-40% of patients may present with mild tingling or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdominal region, anal region, or scrotum. 10% of patients present with acute pain due to intratesticular bleeding or tumor-associated epididymitis. Due to metastatic disease, 10% patient neck mass (supraclavicular lymph node metastasis), respiratory problems such as dyspnea, anorexia and nausea-vomiting due to gastrointestinal metastases, bone pain, central and peripheral nervous system findings and even unilateral due to iliac or vena cava obstruction or bilateral lower extremity edema. Abdominal examination should be done carefully in order not to miss retroperitoneal disease. It should be kept in mind that gynecomastia may also be present in other germ cell tumors, especially in Leydig cell and Sertoli cell tumors.
Solid, firm intratesticular masses should be treated as testicular tumors until proven otherwise. Since the young population is more affected, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis. In 5-25% of patients, it can be initially misdiagnosed and treated as epididymitis.
Transscrotal ultrasonography, which is used as the basic imaging method in diagnosis, can show the presence of an intraparenchymal mass in the testis and distinguish it from other benign processes (hydrocele and epididymitis), and the other testis can be examined at the same time.
Zorlu Center, Terasevler TA Lobby, Floor: T1, Flat: 103, 34340 Beşiktaş/Istanbul
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+90 533 256 90 60 – +90 0212 284 84 80
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